Takin’ Him To Main Street

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Just as assuredly as Jesus fulfilled God’s promise of His crucifixion and resurrection, we Christians are fulfilling God’s promise that we would take the message of forgiveness of sins to the whole world (Luke 24:45-48). We are taking Him to every street where God sends us. There is a song written by Michael McDonald called “Takin’ it to the streets.” One verse says—

Take this message to my brother 
You will find him everywhere 
Wherever people live together 
Tied in poverty’s despair

We know what the “it” is. He is a Savior, a God, a Redeemer, a Father who has made it possible for everyone everywhere to be in a personal relationship with Him for all of eternity! 

When anyone talks about taking the Good News of Jesus to people, our minds typically think “missionary.” 

What is a missionary? What comes to mind when you think of a missionary? 

Quite simply, a missionary is a person sent on a mission (see Luke 24:47; Matthew 28:19-20). 

(You can read all of the Scriptures I reference in this post by clicking here.)

We are not sent on our mission unprepared, but Jesus promised us both His authority and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-19; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). In both Luke and Acts, Jesus says that our witness is to begin in Jerusalem. 

I recently looked up a list of the most common street names in America. I found that the most common street name is “Main Street.” But Main Street is also used as a way for people to describe the average setting in the USA. 

Going to “Jerusalem” or “Main Street” first is foretold in the Old Testament (Ezekiel 3:4-5). We’re not first sent to people with an unknown language or obscure customs, but to people we know and understand. These are people to whom we can easily find common interests. 

There are two simple steps when we take Jesus to our Main Street.

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you today and every day. 

You cannot give to others what you do not first have yourself, so you need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to you first. Pray before reading the Bible to ask the Spirit to give you insight (Psalm 119:18). 

  1. Find a friend and tell them what was revealed to you.   

After Jesus was revealed to Andrew, he found Peter and told him what he had discovered. And after Philip met Jesus, he found Nathanael and brought him to Jesus (John 1:35-46). 

Every person with whom you interact today is precious to God. Our mission is to help them realize that awesome truth. 

So get filled up with the wisdom from the Spirit and then find a friend on Main Street and bring them to Jesus! 

Follow along with all of the messages in this series Takin’ Him To The Streets by clicking here. 

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