Links & Quotes

Guys, you don’t have to “live down” to the poor male role models that Hollywood portrays, but you can create a beautiful culture in your marriage, your home, and your workplace. Check out the full sermon this clip came from.

I have lots of new content every week, which you can check out on my YouTube channel.

“Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth.” —Morgan Freeman

Michael R. Emlet writes, “There are no easy answers here. In thinking about the juxtaposition of mental-health issues and church discipline, we want to be wary of two extremes. First, we don’t want to avoid corrective pastoral care out of fear that we will ‘add insult to injury’ for those struggling with mental affliction. Second, we don’t want to care for someone with mental illness exactly as we would care for someone without such a struggle. We want biblical truth and love to guide us.” This is a thoughtful post about how pastors should think about mental illness in church disciple. I shared a year-long series of messages on a Christian’s mental health, which you can find here.

Why does Paul call satan “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2)? Pastor John Piper gives us some excellent thoughts on Bible study in general and this verse in particular.