The Craig And Greg Show: Reflect Excellence

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As leaders, we are called to set the example for our organization. As Greg and I discuss in this episode, the quickest way to make a positive change in your organization is to exhibit the traits you want to see. Do that with consistency, and your team will begin to reflect those traits back to you.

  • [0:00] Welcome to our new studio!
  • [1:06] The way a leader leads influences the way the team follows.
  • [3:03] A leaders team will reflect the attitude they exhibit.
  • [5:53] Leaders need to constantly be interacting with their team to “check the pulse.”
  • [7:13] Recognizing innovation in your team is a compliment to your leadership.
  • [9:10] If there’s a trait we want our team to embody we must exhibit it first.
  • [10:20] If you don’t recognize potential in teammates you will always hire low-potential individuals.
  • [13:04] Consistency is important to how a leader reflects values.
  • [15:13] Leadership vs Bossing
  • [17:10] Jesus set an example for us of servant leadership.
  • [18:26] At some point your team will test you to see if what you’re saying is real.
  • [20:10] I share some wisdom from my cousin’s book.
  • [21:11] Greg issues a challenge to leaders.
  • [22:06] If you’re going through a difficult time, a coach can help you navigate. We would love to help you!

Check out this episode and subscribe on YouTube so you can watch all of the upcoming episodes. You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify and Apple.