The Prayers Of David

The life of David is an open book for us. One of the unique things about David’s life is that we get to read both the historical narrative of his life, and his diary-like thoughts recorded in his psalms, songs, and prayers in the Book of Psalms.

David’s prayers are gut-level honest and full of raw emotion.

His prayers are also very helpful for anyone who desires to be as close to God as David was, to be one God describes as “a man after my own heart, who will do everything I want him to do.”

Join me this Sunday as we begin an exploration of the passionate, personal, powerful prayers of David.

So Send I You (book review)

Jesus told His followers, “As the Father has sent Me, so send I you” (John 20:21). So Send I You by Oswald Chambers is a series of lectures to his students that were preparing to be missionaries. But, as Chambers makes perfectly clear, every Christian is a missionary.

Samuel M. Zwemer said about this book, “A preface or forward is scarcely needed to introduce the reader to this treasure-house of thought on missions. Those who have read other books by our friend, Oswald Chambers, know what to expect. A message not for superficial minds and hearts. Those who love to think on the kingdom and whose hearts the King has entered will not be disappointed as they read these pages.”

Truly this is not a book for superficial minds, as Chambers challenges Christians to look at life through the eyes of Jesus, to be on a mission just as Jesus was. His lectures are solidly founded on Scripture, showing us how Jesus intended His followers to conduct themselves.

If you are ready to be more used by God, then So Send I You is for you. You will be both challenged and encouraged and equipped to be a more effective disciple and missionary for Jesus Christ.