The Craig And Greg Show: Lead With Empathy

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Empathy is an essential trait for leaders, but it’s not innate in any of us. As I joked, “behind ‘mama’ and ‘dada,’ the first word most babies learn is ‘mine.’” The skill of empathy is like a muscle, the more we practice, the stronger it gets. In this episode, Greg and I discuss why empathy is so important for leaders, and give helpful advice on how to remain proficient in your use of empathy.

  • [0:24] Empathy is a powerful leadership skill that underlines so many other leadership skills. 
  • [1:08] Empathy has to be earned.
  • [3:07] What blocks empathy in leaders?
  • [4:02] When you start learning empathy it will feel awkward, but you have to stick with it.
  • [5:06] Empathy ≠ sympathy, but it is caring.
  • [7:07] How do leaders show their empathy to their teammates?
  • [10:10] Here is an example of how to express empathy.
  • [12:22] What lessons can we learn when we misfire on empathy?
  • [14:03] Three things Greg has worked on to enhance empathy.
  • [16:32] Sometimes leaders do for one team member what they cannot do for all.
  • [19:51] Leaders need empathetic eyes, ears, and heart. There is a huge leadership power in this.
  • [21:59] Greg shares an interesting study reported in Forbes.
  • [25:15] One of the most powerful leadership attributes is simply the leader’s availability.

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