The Great Attitude Of Gratitude

There’s something about gratitude that distinguishes people. Think about it: would you rather hang around with grumblers or grateful people? 

The gratitude of Paul and Silas certainly made them stand out from the crowd when they were in Philippi. Wrongly accused, beaten, and thrown in prison, but instead of bellyaching, they were praising God. Later on, when Paul wrote his letter to the Christians in Philippi, the theme of gratefulness permeates his letter. 

The distinguishing mark is actually in the title: The GReat ATTITUDE spells out GRATITUDE! 

Join us this Sunday as we rejoin a series of messages perfectly timed for this season of Thanksgiving where we’ll be learning how great the attitude of gratitude truly is! We would love to have you join us in person, but you can also check out the messages at 10:30 each Sunday morning on Facebook and YouTube. 

You can check out the messages we shared in this series last year by clicking here.

If you’ve missed any of the messages this year, you will be able to check them out here:

How To Be Thankful Everyday

Listen to the podcast of this post by clicking on the player below, and you can also subscribe on AppleSpotify, or Audible. 

I learned an important message about thankfulness from an Indiana Jones movie!

Check out this episode of The Podcast.

Some resources to go along with this video:

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