The Craig And Greg Show: Reframe Your Fear

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Fear is something every leader struggles with, but great leaders learn to reframe that fear into an opportunity to grow. Join Greg and me as we discuss overcoming fear, reframing fear, and helping your team to do the same.

  • [0:23] Good leaders learn how to frame their fear in a different way.
  • [1:09] Greg and I talk about our biggest fears.
  • [2:21] I share about having to overcome fears about making a decision.
  • [3:38] Most of fear is rooted in past experiences, but reframing as a learning experience can help you grow.
  • [6:17] Attempting to use fear as a motivation tool will backfire and restrict your team’s potential.
  • [7:23] Reducing the fears of your team begins with leading from a place of transparent humility.
  • [9:20] Self talk is important in your battle over fear. Lead by example and show your team how to reframe their mentality. 
  • [11:55] Pride is a big stumbling block for leaders, don’t be afraid to include others in the decision making process.
  • [13:50] The top fears that paralyze leaders.
  • [19:55] Good leaders game-plan for future conflict, so when it comes their team is ready.
  • [20:34] Give your team opportunities to battle their fears and grow from them.
  • [22:51] Greg shares a quote from Henry Ford.
  • [24:11] I share a Little League story.
  • [25:03] Greg and I would love to come alongside and help coach you!

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