The Craig And Greg Show: The Power Of A Coach

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Do you need to have a coach? If you answered “yes” then you’re already on the right track! If you said “no,” Greg and I would like to challenge you a little. Join us as they discuss how coaching isn’t just about correcting mistakes, it’s also about maximizing your existing skills to the highest level possible. 

  • [0:52] Does everyone need a coach?
  • [2:10] Having a coach doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.
  • [3:48] There’s great fulfillment in helping someone reach greater success.
  • [5:13] Proactive coaching versus reactive coaching.
  • [7:19] A good coach won’t micro-manage, they will train you, and then “put you in” to play the game on your own.
  • [8:24] Coaches can deliver a 10,000-foot view to highlight your greatest areas of strength.
  • [10:14]] An outside coach approaches your situation with a fresh perspective.
  • [11:12] Greg discusses Michael Jordan’s best skill.
  • [12:38] Coaching isn’t about highlighting your negatives, it’s about maximizing your strengths.
  • [13:13] If a particular area makes you defensive you really need to be examining it further.
  • [13:55] Maximize can help coach you! Please reach out to us at Maximize Leadership.
  • [14:55] Greg discusses a psychology experiment.
  • [15:42] Not being coachable is a huge impediment for leaders.
  • [18:30] Good competition pushes everyone around you to be better.
  • [19:21] Greg shares advice from Rich Devos.
  • [21:45] Good coaching is proactive and reactive.
  • [23:13] A quote from Tom Landry on the job of a coach.
  • [24:17] Greg discusses the investments that were made in his life in his book Sage Advice.
  • [26:24] We don’t have all the answers, but we can help steer you in the right direction.

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