The Craig And Greg Show: Word Up

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Words are incredibly powerful! With our tongues, we can elevate others to amazing heights, or tear them down completely. In this episode, Greg and I discuss how, as leaders, it is critical that we are mindful of our everyday words so that we ensure we are taking our team in the right direction.

  • [0:20] Sometimes leaders can forget how powerful their words can be. 
  • [1:00] Words need to be used strategically and carefully.
  • [2:05] “Words of affirmation” is one of the love languages, but everyone needs to hear words that affirm and encourage them.
  • [3:40] Some of the most meaningful words are our apologies and requests for forgiveness. When we do this well, it opens up the door for deeper communication.
  • [6:00] Leaders should be able to see a visible and immediate difference in their teammates when they are speaking the correct words to them. If not, we need to quickly adjust our words.
  • [6:50] People don’t care how much their leader knows (or says) until they know how much their leader cares about them.
  • [8:25] Negative words can sour relationships.
  • [9:08] Leaders need to pay close attention to what words work best with each teammate.
  • [10:15] What is the difference between efficient communication and effective communication?
  • [12:40] We share some insights from two noteworthy books: Leadership Jazz by Max DePree and Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People by Rich DeVos.
  • [15:00] One of the most beautiful words anyone will ever hear a leader speak is their teammate’s name.
  • [19:02] Handwritten notes go the extra mile, but we need to slow down to think about who needs to hear an affirming word from us.
  • [21:20] Greg shares a memorable quote about the long-term results of our words.
  • [22:07] A good coach can give you more impactful insights than someone close to you.

Books referenced in this episode:

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