The Craig And Greg Show: Setting Goals, Making Changes

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Goal-setting and change-making are integral parts of a leader’s job. However, it can often feel like actually accomplishing these tasks is one of the hardest parts of the job! In this episode, Greg and I dive into how to successfully set and accomplish goals, and how to strategically create change in a way that doesn’t disenfranchise your team.

  • [0:30] Why aren’t more people successful in their goal-setting? 
  • [1:30] Focusing on too many things can paralyze a leader.
  • [3:48] Leaders—by definition—have a lot of things on their plates. How do we find the areas that are the most strategic for us to change?
  • [5:28] Leaders need to set a place of change that the entire team can stick to.
  • [7:02] Leaders must learn to trust their teammates to get tasks done.
  • [9:01] Changes are vital for us personally and organizationally, but we must choose those changes strategically and carefully.
  • [10:02] Celebrating accomplishments in meeting our goals is very important.
  • [12:08] How do leaders find the speed of change?
  • [13:39] Enlisting and energizing change agents in the organization will extend a leader’s influence.
  • [15:57] Leader’s shouldn’t make key decision when they are exhausted or distracted.
  • [19:12] Greg shares a helpful acrostic for F.O.C.U.S.
  • [21:29] A coach can be invaluable in helping you be successful in all of your change initiatives. This is where we can help you.

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