Long Live The King Of Kings

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Throughout human history, whenever a king died, the people would say something like, “The king is dead. Long live the king!” They would say this because the next king ascended to the throne immediately after his predecessor died. 

Except when a nation had been defeated, the cry, “The king is dead” was unanswered by, “Long live the king!” 

Israel must have felt like this. After being defeated by Nebuchadnezzar and spending 70 years in exile, it appeared to many that the line of kings was broken. Even after retuning to their homeland, Israel continued to live under the thumb of other powerful nations. 

And yet, some still clung to the glimmer of the promise God had made about an eternal King sitting on Jerusalem’s throne. 

The First Advent of Jesus revealed to us in the Gospels reassures us that the promise of an eternal King is true. Jesus came to earth to reveal His majesty to us. 

The First Advent is so important because it bolsters our faith for the imminent Second Advent when Jesus will return as the King of kings! Christmas is a great time to be reminded that even now we can confidently declare, “Long live the eternal King of kings!” 

I would like to invite you to join us for this encouraging series of messages of faith, hope, and eternal encouragement every Sunday during December. Check out any messages you may have missed: