The Craig And Greg Show: Once Upon A Time

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Everyone loves stories! Whether it be a book, movie, or even a friend’s tall tale, we love hearing stories because they connect with us on a deeply personal level. As leaders, we can use stories as a powerful tool to connect with our staff and help reinforce the point we’re trying to make. Stories aren’t just for kids, they’re a vital part of effective communication.

  • [0:10] “Once upon a time there was a podcast…”
  • [0:48] Stories portray the point better than just telling someone what to do.
  • [1:30] We see an example of storytelling in the way Nathan confronted King David.
  • [2:30] Greg wrote a leadership book by telling compelling stories. Check out Sage Advice here.
  • [4:07] Telling people’s stories honor them.
  • [5:59] Vision casting sticks better with a story instead of a “talking point.”
  • [7:43] Stories are more compelling than facts. Leaders need to listen to the stories of their teammates.
  • [10:39] Stories are under-utilized by far too many leaders.
  • [12:04] Stories set the stage for everything else the leader is going to share next. But we better be sure the story is true!
  • [13:28] Paul Harvey illustrates how a good story can expand a leader’s influence.
  • [15:30] Stories get a reaction and lock it in our brains.
  • [16:48] Stories bridge the gap between people.
  • [17:28] Is storytelling a gift, a skill, or both?
  • [19:42] We need to tell our stories so that others can connect to their own stories.
  • [21:32] Leaders, you have a great story to tell! We can help coach you in how to tell your story even better.

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