The Craig And Greg Show: The Leadership Lessons Of “Sage Advice”

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On this episode, we are celebrating Greg! His new book Sage Advice has just been released, and everyone at Maximize Leadership is incredibly excited for you to be able to finally get your hands on the finished product. In this episode, Greg and I discuss the new book, and talk about how each chapter pairs a story from Greg’s childhood with a helpful leadership lesson.

  • [0:50] I encouraged Greg to write this book. 
  • [1:49] Each chapter combines a story from Greg’s life, a helpful leadership lesson, and an interview with a modern-day leader.
  • [3:50] How did Greg find the leadership lessons?
  • [6:00] A chapter that I especially relate to has to do with toilets! (It is another reminder of Plungerman!)
  • [9:06] What if you don’t have parents and grandparents that could give you sage advice? Where would you go to get wisdom?
  • [11:37] There are more people out there that want to invest in both emerging and seasoned leaders than most people think.
  • [13:58] We can really trust mentors who have a “limp.”
  • [15:27] Every chapter in Sage Advice is a stand-alone leadership lesson.
  • [16:08] I share my favorite chapter in this book.
  • [17:09] Greg shares a great tip for all leaders who are readers.
  • [18:02] What does a girl in a red bikini have to do with leadership?
  • [20:10] You can get an autographed copy of Sage Advice here

Check out my totally(!) unbiased book review of Sage Advice here.

Check out this episode and subscribe on YouTube so you can watch all of the upcoming episodes. You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify and Apple.

One Response to “The Craig And Greg Show: The Leadership Lessons Of “Sage Advice””

  1. The Craig And Greg Show: Once Upon A Time | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] [2:30] Greg wrote a leadership book by telling compelling stories. Check out Sage Advice here. […]


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