Barney’s Choice

Barney FritcherYesterday I had the privilege of speaking at the funeral of my good friend Barney Fritcher. Barney was an amazing man who lived as much like Jesus as anyone else I have ever met.

In December 2008 I tried my hand at a little poetry, which I posted on my blog with the title Choices. It was a humble attempt at expressing myself. But Barney, who truly had a God-given gift for poetry, wrote a poem in response that left my eyes filled with tears. I read his poem at his memorial service yesterday, and found out that no one else had heard this poem before then. Since many have been asking for a copy of it, and since it is such an amazing piece, I thought I would share it here for everyone to enjoy.

There have been times
when choices I’ve made
if given the chance
I would gladly trade. 
The path that I took
was rocky and rough
and things all around me
seemed to be tough. 
I could have asked Jesus
to lend me a hand
to reach down and pull me
from the sinking sand. 
He could have helped me
to a road that was paved
but I walked on my own
before I was saved. 
I climbed over 
the brush and the briar
thinking I could help myself
from that fire. 
When trees fell down
and blocked my way
I could have gotten down
on my knees to pray.
I could have said,
“Lord, it’s You that I choose
please save my life 
before life I lose.” 
But I was stubborn
fighting for my goal
now to the Lord
I have given my soul. 
The path I now travel
is clear to me
and any obstruction
is plain to see. 
When I look ahead
and problems arise
I pray to the Lord
and He hears my cries. 
He helps me to choose
a safe way to go 
making my sins
as white as snow. 
Of all of the choices
that I have made
I’m glad I made one
I’m glad I’ve been saved.

May we all make the choice that Barney made to invite Jesus into our lives!