The Craig And Greg Show: The Responsibility Of Power

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It goes without saying, but leadership positions confer a level of power to the people who occupy them. This power is necessary for us as leaders to do our job effectively, but if we’re not very careful it can begin to corrupt us and poison our leadership. Tune in as Greg and I tackle this tricky issue.

  • [0:22] Leaders need both enough power to get things done, but not too much that they crush people. 
  • [1:44] Power can corrupt us if we are unaccountable in the use of our power.
  • [3:12] We should always be thinking in terms of how our use of power can empower others.
  • [5:16] A leader’s power should always be linked to responsibility.
  • [6:27] We earn our power—we don’t grab it form others—to better serve.
  • [9:32] Greg says, “Leadership should be dangerous!”
  • [12:40] Sometimes we must use our power to protect those around us.
  • [16:00] Greg steps into “you know what”!
  • [16:27] Are power and serving compatible?
  • [18:25] What do powerful leaders not want to do?
  • [20:26] When it comes right down to it, the use of leadership really comes down to influence.
  • [22:02] Our coaching services can help you use your power more effectively.

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