Can’t, Won’t, or Don’t

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I think it is very instructive that Jesus began His three years of public ministry after thirty years of preparation, and that He began His daily ministry after an early-morning prayer session. If Jesus needed that kind of preparation time, what would make us think we could do with anything less?

Karl Vaters and I discussed Chapter 10 of my book Shepherd Leadership which is entitled “Can’t, Won’t, or Don’t” This chapter (and our conversation) covers the three main reasons leaders need to address to make sure they are being adequately prepared.

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One Response to “Can’t, Won’t, or Don’t”

  1. Craig T. Owens Says:

    “The stress of leadership can cause physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. If your body is not getting the rest and nutrition it needs, you not only risk your health and vitality, but also your personal relationship and effectiveness and productivity as a leader.” —Pat Williams, in The Paradox Of Power


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