The Craig And Greg Show: Competitive Leadership

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Every good leader is competitive. From dollars earned to patients treated, there isn’t a leader out there who isn’t constantly trying to improve their numbers and outdo the competition. However, the wrong kind of competition can fester and create an unhealthy workplace. In this episode, Greg and I discuss how fostering healthy competition in your organization is vital to your success.

  • [0:14] I am the best host on this show!
  • [1:52] Leaders need to be competitive but also need to keep it at a healthy level.
  • [3:42] Not every team member will have the same competitive drive as you.
  • [4:35] Leaders need to be competitive with themselves.
  • [7:40] Too much internal competition can be detrimental to the organization.
  • [8:32] Greg tells a tee-ball story highlighting how your team members innately wonder, “How are we doing?”
  • [11:50] I have used Six Sigma initiatives to foster positive competition in my organizations.
  • [13:24] Resilience doesn’t show up until adversity appears.
  • [16:26] Make halftime adjustments.
  • [17:32] Cutthroat leaders get short-term results, but their organization suffers in the long run.
  • [19:53] Giving 100% and failing is difficult, but it’s worse to not know what you could have accomplished.
  • [21:04] When you win, act like you’ve won before. When you lose, act like you’ll win again.
  • [22:49] Compete for achievable outcomes.
  • [24:38] Greg likes to win, but he’s learned more from his losses.
  • [25:34] It’s impossible to grow without competition.
  • [28:10] We would love to coach you to help you be a better competitive leader.

Check out this episode and subscribe on YouTube so you can watch all of the upcoming episodes. You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify and Apple.

One Response to “The Craig And Greg Show: Competitive Leadership”

  1. Links & Quotes | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] leaders need to keep both winning and losing in perspective. Check out the full conversation Greg and I had about competition on The Craig and Greg […]


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