The Craig And Greg Show: Neutral Criticism

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Criticism is baked into leadership. Any change you make, whether good or bad, will be met with some level of criticism either internally or externally. Other times, you’ll be in the position of having to express criticism of a decision someone on your team made.

Navigating criticism in a productive way can be tricky, but luckily Greg and I are here to help! In this episode, we discuss how the right kind of criticism can be empowering for your organization.

  • [0:27] Leaders will always be criticized, even for the good things they have done. 
  • [1:30] Leaders need both humility and confidence to process criticism in a healthy way.
  • [4:18] Is criticism different than an assessment? It seems like the word “critic” has been hijacked in a negative way.
  • [6:00] Defensiveness doesn’t help leaders, but we do need to protect ourselves.
  • [8:27] How do we give constructive criticism without putting others on the defensive?
  • [10:22] Why is it hard for people to receive criticism?
  • [12:55] How should we give feedback to others so that it will be received well?
  • [16:15] Is there a correlation between criticism and coachability?
  • [19:57] Let’s remember that many of our teammates have had negative interactions with a critical
  • leader, so we have to change the climate.
  • [21:28] What happens if a teammate won’t receive any feedback at all?
  • [23:20] Greg shares an insightful quote from Winston Churchill.
  • [25:26] As always, leaders have to go first!

Check out this episode and subscribe on YouTube so you can watch all of the upcoming episodes. You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify and Apple.