Sage Advice (book review)

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I have to be honest with you right up front: It’s nearly impossible for me to be unbiased in this book review. Sage Advice is written by my longtime friend and podcast partner Greg Heeres, and I couldn’t be any more proud of him! 

In the 30+ years that I have known Greg, he has become one of my closest confidants. Next to my wife, Greg probably knows more about me than anyone else, and the same can be said for how well I know him. Several years ago, during one of our many heart-storming sessions, he shared a story about something his grandma said to him. 

“I love that story,” I told him. “If you’ve got more like that, you should write them down.” 

Thankfully, he did! 

In fact, he wrote down twenty memorable stories from his grandparents and parents. Each story is intertwined with a practical leadership lesson for all of us. The subtitle of the book is: Listen to wisdom or learn the hard way. 

Whether you had parents and grandparents that invested in your life or not, all of us can learn sound wisdom from our elders—from those who have “been there, done that” and care about us enough to share their hard-won wisdom. 

Each chapter not only contains the sage advice from Greg’s elders and his leadership lessons that we can all apply, but he also shares interviews with other leaders who have learned the same lesson that each chapter is presenting. 

Sage Advice is a delightful read. You will enjoy Greg’s storytelling so much that you may not even realize the leadership lessons that are seeping into your mind. You can pick up a copy of Sage Advice by clicking here.

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6 Responses to “Sage Advice (book review)”

  1. Podcast: The Leadership Lessons Of “Sage Advice” | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] Check out my totally(!) unbiased book review of Sage Advice here. […]


  2. The Craig And Greg Show: Christmas Traditions | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] Pick up a copy of my and Greg’s new books to give to the leader in your life. Greg wrote Sage Advice and I wrote Shepherd […]


  3. The Craig And Greg Show: The Power Of A Coach | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] [24:17] Greg discusses the investments that were made in his life in his book Sage Advice. […]


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