Save Your Breath

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I know you want to lash out against those evil people who come at you—just to say something that will “put them in their place.” 

I get it. I feel like that at times too. 

But pause. 

Think about the last rain storm that came your way. The rain beat down on your roof and the wind blew against the walls of your house. You knew that there was no reason to yell at the rain because you were safe in your house. You also knew that yelling at the wind and the rain wouldn’t do a thing to it. 

Isaiah describes the breath of ruthless, wicked people as “a rain storm against a wall.” The wicked may rain on you, but you have an unshakable house.

Recall the words of Jesus—

Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. (Matthew 7:24-25)

When you abide in Jesus—when His words are the foundation of your life—you are safe and secure. There is no reason to fret about the breath of the ruthless, there is no reason to lash out at them. In fact, there might not be any reason to speak to them at all.

The stormy breath of the wicked will eventually give out. Their power has a limit. But you are secure inside the Limitless One, the Omnipotent One! The One who is eternal will never run out of strength and love for you. 

Let the evildoers rage, but you can save your breath. Instead of using your breath to respond to their howling words, use your breath to praise the One who holds you securely forever!

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