A Preview Of Heaven

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When Mary visits Elizabeth, she discovers that Elizabeth is pregnant, just as the angel Gabriel told her. This confirms for Mary that everything Gabriel told her about her own pregnancy would be fulfilled too. 

At this, Mary bursts into a song that we now call the Magnificat: My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Luke 1:46-47). 

Mary’s rejoicing was prompted by her deeper realization of who her Savior is. The more she knows her Lord, the more she can praise Him; the more she praises Him, the more He is glorified; the more He is glorified, the more she knows Him. 

So could we say it this way? As my spirit rejoices in God my Savior my soul glorifies Him. Yes, indeed we can! There seems to be an interconnectedness: As I focus on God to rejoice in Him, that rejoicing cannot help but glorify Him. 

So we could also say it this way: God is glorified in my rejoicing of Him. 

Or: As I express my delight in my Savior, His glory is seen more clearly. 

However we put it, when I rejoice in who God is, He is glorified. As He is glorified, my joy in rejoicing in Him is increased. As my joy in Him increases, I cannot help but rejoice in Him even more. 

This, I believe, is a picture of Heaven. Just as the angels encircle the throne and call out to one another, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” as they perpetually rejoice in a new realization of God’s glory, so will we. There are an infinite number of beauties in our Savior which will prompt us to rejoice in Him and glorify Him, so we need an infinite amount of time to fully appreciate His majestic beauty. 

Let’s not wait until we arrive in Heaven to begin this loving worship. Let’s follow the example of Mary and sing out our praise at every possible moment. As we do, a desperate world cannot help but be drawn to gaze upon the beauty which is celebrated in our rejoicing. 

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