8 Must-Have Bible Study Tools

Bonhoeffer - study the BibleIt’s been said that if the only tool a man has in his toolbox is a hammer, he tends to see every problem as a nail. In other words, we try to force every project to be handled in the exactly same way.

Sadly, for many Christians, the same is true with our knowledge of the Bible. If we have limited tools, we try to make every situation look like something we can fix with that smaller toolbox. It’s not enough for us to know only a couple of verses or a few biblical principles, and then try to use those tools to handle all of life’s situations. So let me share some basic tools that will help you expand your biblical toolbox.

Time and cultureThink about how much your culture has changed just in the 70-80 years since your grandparents were born. Think about how wardrobes have changed, and technology, and manners and customs. The earliest book of the Bible was written about 1400 BC, and the most recent book was written about 100 AD. To better understand the things I read in the Bible, here are some tools I like to use:

LanguageEven the English language has changed a lot since William Shakespeare penned his famous plays. But consider that the Bible was written in languages that are even older (not to mention they’re languages other than English!). To really get the full meaning of a passage, here are some tools I use:

Chain of pearls—The Bible is not a collection of isolated, independent stories or concepts, but it is a beautiful string of pearls. Every part connects to the rest of the Scripture. So some resources I use to help me discover how the pearls are strung together include:

What did I miss? What are your favorite Bible study tools? In the comments, please share books, commentaries, or online resources that you use to maximize your study of God’s Word.

This Sunday I’ll be sharing some different styles of Bible studies we can all do. If you live in the Cedar Springs area, please come join a really great group of people at Calvary Assembly of God. Otherwise, watch us on Periscope.

8 Responses to “8 Must-Have Bible Study Tools”

  1. Mark Arnold Says:

    No faithlife/logos tools, some of it free.


  2. 3 Quotes About Bible Studies | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] I shared 7 must-have Bible study tools. Here are three powerful quotes on how and why we should make studying our Bibles an ongoing, […]


  3. 3 Bible Studies For You To Try | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] week I spoke and wrote about some tools you might use to study your Bible. Now I’d like to share some Bible study […]


  4. Favorite 2016 Posts | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] 2. 7 Must-Have Bible Study Tools […]


  5. lovephileo Says:

    Im an Assembly of God bible student and I’m using this MP4 audio bible, a KJV version


  6. 5 Truisms From Psalm 62 | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] I urge you to go slowly through your personal Bible reading time. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s illumination before you begin reading, and then watch to see how He […]


  7. Thursdays With Spurgeon—Context Is King | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] would also counsel you to use some trustworthy Bible study tools. I have a list here of 8 must-have Bible study tools, and you can find some new ways to use these tools in this post about three types of Bible studies […]


  8. But And And | Craig T. Owens Says:

    […] 8 must-have Bible study tools […]


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